You may come across some problems with your orthodontic appliances during your orthodontic treatment. They are usually quite simple and quick to fix. The common problems you may encounter are described below. If you are unsure, please get in touch with us so that we can arrange an appointment to see you!
Sore teeth after adjustment
It is common to experience some discomfort for a few days after placement or adjustments of braces. In the initial stages, having cold rinses can be helpful in reducing discomfort. We also recommend taking painkillers such as panadol as required.
Sore lips and cheeks
The braces and the wire can rub onto the inside of your cheeks and lips, causing sore spots. Please use the orthodontic wax and the brace relief you have been given. Rinsing your mouth with warm salty rinses can be helpful too!
Loose bracket/band
For any loose brackets, please call us and we can make an earlier appointment if we think it is needed. It is important to let us know before your regular appointments if there is anything loose, if we are not aware you will likely need to make another appointment to get it repaired. If it is the last bracket (on molar teeth) and digging into your gum, you can remove the loose tube and cut the wire short.
Loose, broken or poking wire
As your teeth are getting straighter, you may notice the wire poking out from the back of the bracket or band on the last tooth. You can cover the extra wire with the wax provided to help with the discomfort. Occasionally, the end of steel ties may bend out, irritating your lips or cheeks. You may push the end and tuck it in with a cotton swab or pencil eraser. It can be common for the wire to come out of the last bracket but this can easily be slotted back into place by a family member. If you have any problems resolving any of these issues, please call us and we can make an appointment to get it fixed.
Accidents involving teeth
Your teeth or mouth may get traumatised (injured) during orthodontic treatment through various accidents. If this happens, please contact your dentist immediately so that your teeth can be assessed and managed adequately. It is important we are informed of any injuries you have had to your teeth before or during orthodontic treatment.
Lost or broken O-ring/Powerchains (coloured modules)
Sometimes a small coloured ring around the bracket may come off. As long as the wire has not popped out of the bracket, it can be left until your next appointment. Make sure the wire is in the bracket and you can move the wire up into the bracket slot if not. If you have a powerchain that has broken, please call us and we can arrange an appointment to replace it.
Lost or broken plate/retainer
If your retaining wire (R-bar) has lost part of the bond (glue), or it has bent or broken, call us and we will arrange an appointment to get it repaired or replaced. If you have lost, broken or melted your proformer (clear retainer), also call us to arrange an appointment to get a new one made. There will likely be a cost with these appointment’s and you will need to bring in the models we gave you at your debond appointment.
Lost attachments for aligners
You can still wear your aligners when some of the attachments come off. If it is not seating well, use chewies for a few minutes to ensure seating. If they are still not feeling right, please call us and we can arrange an appointment to replace the attachment if needed.